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Moving Through Life

Kate Evans

Do you ever wonder why you get into repetitive patterns when you have to get something done?

Do you leave everything to the last minute then do it all in a chaotic rush?

Do you resist and resist until YOU decide to do it, then do it easefully while those around you are annoyed?

Do you feel like you are never complete and the patterns of getting things done never ends? Or the opposite and you can never get started?

The truth is that many of these patterns start so much earlier in life than we realise.

There are several big transitions in life that we all go through, where we move from one thing to another. These would be conception, birth, puberty, becoming a parent, menopause. and of course, the final transition of death.

Your patterns, your earliest transitions are stored in your body, mind, and nervous system, and have the potential to be repeated again and again at subsequent transitions, until you find a way to heal and repair the imprint.

For instance, at conception, when consciousness is ignited in the growing bundle of cells that will become you, there are conditions which you grow in, for instance the circumstance of your conception, or how your parents felt about your creation, what life was like for your parents, and most importantly how your mother connected to you and others through her attachment style.

All of these and many more can be imprinted in your body/mind.

You don't have words or conscious memory of this time, but you do have implicit memory of this held in your body, does it feel safe, does it feel like you belong, do you feel wanted, loved etc these are held as feelings/sensations in your body.

Your birth is probably the biggest transition in life, and the pattern that is most repeated.

I’ll give you an example. Say your birth was one where your mother didn’t go into labour when everyone thought she should and so they induced the labour. Now did you know that it is actually you, as the baby in the womb that starts the labour, when you get really fed up with being in the womb, there’s no space and you’ve finished growing for now, you push your tiny feet up on the top of the uterus (the fundus) and this triggers Mums body to go into labour.

So, if you don’t get this opportunity to decide for yourself to leave the womb, and you feel the sense of being forced out, this can result in a pattern that in life you only get on with jobs when the pressure from those around you is so intense that you just have to, sound familiar?

Now to add to the mix for you, it's important to know that the drugs they give to induce a birth are intense and create a frantic pattern to the contractions which are not normal.

So now you’ve been forced into action, you have to make your way through an intense and chaotic process that will result in your birth – again is this sounding familiar?

Here’s the thing – you will repeat this pattern again and again until you see it for what it is and change it consciously.

And the truth is we can change these patterns with ease and grace when we get together to do the work.

Nearly all births will create an imprint of some kind, it may be traumatic, with lots of emergency interventions, which would make sense for this to imprint on your nervous system and psyche, it may however seem like a pretty straightforward birth or you may not even know your birth story, but your body does and your patterns of moving through life will show it to you again and again.

It's possible to repair, it's possible to heal, and it’s possible to grow past those patterns that hold you back.

If you want to move through life with more grace and ease get in touch, I can help you with that.

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